Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I know you for only but a handful of days
It seems like long but that's how Habituation works its ways!
Its not like you're perfect ... Oh so better this way
Each glitch , each flaw...the more human u stay!

Don't want to flatter you...cant help myself though
My muse today you'll be as fonder I'll grow
A piece of work you are... in the good and bad too!
Must be hell for anyone to ever let go of you!

Stop smiling now... I know you are
Don't deny the happiness you now feel inside
Yes , yes you're wondering what brought this on now!
Well its just one of those days when I'd like to spell out...

You're a close friend and well I'd hope you'd be
staying in touch...even though we're separated by seas.
Soon you'll be off on your way... discovering the world
Learning and Living a life and then serenading your girl!

All I say now is but a reflection of you
The fun and energy that comes bursting through
Amazing how energetic and lazy you are
A minute on the bed and swiftly to the car!

One cannot decide time and again
Are you simply crazy or just completely insane
The weird questions and well weirder answers to them
Make me wonder everytime " Only god can save him"

But I guess its just the way it must be
Sanity and genius never hand in hand could be
The breadth of knowledge that you can span out
Something new to learn everyday no doubt

A million things to list down and a zillion more to say
To do justice I'll need a few more hands to spare
Pointless it seems now all that I've put to pen
A man of few words you are and more of the unspoken!!

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