Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Daddy's Girl

The past few months have been epic in so many ways that wording them seems difficult now. It seems as though someone suddenly hit the fast forward button without warning. I believe I am pro-change but sometimes even I hope against hope for some events to skip the timeline completely. Believing in that old cliché – Time heals all wounds, I embrace the road ahead. These months have seen a plethora of emotions not just gushing out of me but everyone I’ve met. Some were exhilarating and some downright depressing. Through these were important lessons learned – about family, society and human existence in a broader sense. 
Life and Death both seem to get you closer to the people closest to your heart. On both occasions, society has seemed to create a process that allows you to methodically rejoice or mourn so as to embrace the path ahead. Let me tell you I am not a believer of most societal rituals or processes and least of all of the ones that involve heartless and illogical methodologies.  When anyone has to bear the heavier of the two events in their life these societal pressures get increasingly unbearable and sometimes extremely devoid of any emotional sensitivity which is vital according to my opinion. This brings me to why I’m being extremely cautious in the writing on this blog. I do not intend to hurt anyone’s sentiments with my opinion here as family that is mostly bound by blood tend to take offense at the slightest of misinterpretation. Family, I believe comprises of those who connect with you on a level much deeper than blood. I parted with my father a few months ago. He decided to move on with his quest for soul refinement, I’d like to believe. Mostly I feel he was just tired with his body and he needed to go see the world from a different view. His departure created a void in many hearts including mine. I was his favourite. There’s nothing wrong in saying that because I know it’s true. He had the most joyful disposition that I’ve ever seen and he managed to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Not many people have that gift you see. He loved with all his heart and was always content. He along with, his source of joy and strength, his wife, made me who I am today. He taught me to see the good things in people and most of all how to forgive – others as well as ourselves.  I am amazed at the fact that he managed maintaining such high standards for himself and his family in a world that’s run by the selfish soul. I have no doubt that he’s moved to a place where he will find only happiness and tranquillity from a world that tormented and tore him (literally) apart.
He has always been and for ever more shall remain my idol – flaws and all.
I am proud to say I am my daddy’s girl and am every bit (good and bad) ever so like him. 
He is the best a girl would hope for and I can only hope that he feels the same about me.


drakheja said...

Even though I met uncle only a couple of times, it was easy to see what kept him going. His never give-up attitude and his support system which included a loving, caring and responsible family. You guys managed to stay together through thick and thin and walked the tough road hand in hand.. There is no shred of doubt in anyone's mind that he left this world a super proud husband/father.. You guys uphold and stand by the very fabric of true family values.. Just one word "Respect" :)

Aki said...

In those last few moments when he parted ways and was still in my arms..All I could think is " If only " but then I said I have to be stronger than before. With no tear in my eyes I came home and held Mom cause I know she's been through alot and now we would be the only 2 Pillars of support. I am stronger in mind and nothing will break me.This doesn change anything!

samforyou said...

Words fail for I know what it feels like to lose that strong pillar. I lost mine when i was still getting prepared for the world but I am glad mine taught me the best...yeah thats what father's do..teach their daughter to be strong and smart. I have always admired you for your courage and strength and I know where its coming from:)) Love you Prii.