Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finding you

I can’t play dirty
I can’t even cheat
When it comes to claiming my prize
I mostly have cold feet

I’m not meant for this place
I belong to cleaner air
I think and see things
At times that aren’t even there

Some call me insane
Some question my pride
It’s the strength within
That makes me face the tide.

What drives me this far
To test my mettle is not known
This feeling that somewhere somehow
I’ll be surprised for sure

This guiding light
That is burning bright
Brings to mind the one thing
That till date is outta sight.

You're within me
Deep in the core of my soul
Telling me that everything’s alrite
Even when my heart’s gone cold!!

1 comment:

ashishkgtm said...

here too , missing Like button, May be you would like to create a facebook page of your poems...

english used here are much simpler for a person like me with less vocab can get it clean unlike your others heavy poems. Neat poems, what happen to your Pune writer thing.. any further updates