That first step out the door
A heart beating fast and then slow
Gasping for breath with every move
The thought of the world closing in on you
The anxiety and the excitement all in one
Smile tears and wishes in tones
A hand leading u out there
Arms welcoming you with care
Eyes on you from every corner of the room
The one’s ur stuck on would hopefully be the groom
A pacifying smile, a soothing touch
Somethin out there for u to clutch
This will be done and over soon
Even though it’s a rare moon
Cherish and treasure all there is
The warmth and love in the eyes of his
All else will fly by in a whiz
Making you Mrs from a Ms
The look and the feel stay longer
The main ingredients to make u stronger
Life will take you through its course
This time being the only source
To remind you what it is and always be
A man’s love that brought him to his knee!!!